Siddharth Saha, Developer in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Siddharth is available for hire
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Siddharth Saha

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Toptal Member Since
August 26, 2019

Siddharth has about a decade of experience developing web applications that scale to millions of users at Silicon Valley startups. Having architected large scale platforms from the ground up, he specializes in Full Stack development with Python, Golang, Vue.js, MySQL, and MongoDB.


Apache Kafka, Go, Python 3, Back-end, APIs, Data Analysis
Sync (Freelance via Toptal)
Go, Python 3, PostgreSQL, Redis, Back-end, APIs
Nerdwallet Inc
Redis, GoLand, Go, PostgreSQL, Python, Back-end, APIs, Data Analysis




Preferred Environment

Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS

The most amazing...

...thing I have created is a graph with 3 billion nodes and relationships that organizes and augments yours phonebook.

Work Experience

Senior Engineering Manager

2019 - PRESENT
  • Conceptualized and led a team of five engineers to build the search aggregator platform. This powered the entire search experience at Goibibo with over 30K requests per minute.
  • Led a team of two engineers to build a heuristics-based platform that predicts in real-time the discount to be offered to the user. We're currently disbursing Rs. 1 Lakh daily with no impact on conversion rates.
  • Led a team of four engineers to build the entire international flight cancellation and date-change system, which was previously a manual process. This system helped in bringing down agent headcount from 50 to five.
Technologies: Apache Kafka, Go, Python 3, Back-end, APIs, Data Analysis

Go Back-end Developer

2021 - 2021
Sync (Freelance via Toptal)
  • Developed a feature that automatically identifies unexplained spikes in a user's glucose levels and notifies them about it. The user can either acknowledge the spike due to an event or delete the spikes.
  • Built an API that lets users see their performance over time. This includes how the user is doing on her daily glucose levels, how much of the time she is within prescribed limits, and how her daily glucose score (a proprietary score) is fluctuating.
  • Worked on an automated way to email all the user's data to them according to GDPR. This includes fetching all the user's data, collating it, uploading it to a private S3 bucket, and sending a pre-signed S3 URL (valid for 48h) to the user to download the data.
Technologies: Go, Python 3, PostgreSQL, Redis, Back-end, APIs

Senior Software Engineer

2017 - 2019
Nerdwallet Inc
  • Architected and led the development of a user communications platform that interfaced with Iterable (a third party CRM) to simplify sending emails, push notifications, and web pushes from over 15 vertical products. Sent more than 20 million messages.
  • Developed Logger, a platform to collect metrics from vertical products for data warehousing and Amplitude metrics. The platform routinely handles 1,000 requests/sec.
  • Developed a framework for writing HTTP SDKs with support for timeouts, retries, usage metrics, and circuit breaking. Wrote 7+ third-party and internal HTTP SDKs.
  • Designed a platform for rate-limiting APIs for use by all APIs across the company.
  • Led the technical proof-of-concept for choosing a third-party CRM.
Technologies: Redis, GoLand, Go, PostgreSQL, Python, Back-end, APIs, Data Analysis

Senior Applications Developer

2015 - 2016
  • Created a product from scratch that automatically analyzed customers' Google Shopping Ad Account to recommend improvements.
  • Developed a platform with which e-commerce shops can automatically launch Instagram ads for their products. The platform launched about 10M ads for more than 5,000 customers.
  • Coded a platform which inspects ad-sets on Facebook Ads and decides (based on performance threshold) whether it should be paused or the bid be adjusted along with other optimizations.
  • Created an industry report that reported ongoing trends by crunching eCommerce transaction data across 5K+ customers with more than 500 million transactions.
  • Created a framework to simplify writing regression tests for public-facing APIs and running regression tests on Jenkins at periodic intervals.
Technologies: Vue, Java, Python, Back-end, APIs, Data Analysis

Founder and CTO

2014 - 2015
  • Developed the complete back end of this ride-sharing application, using Python.
  • Coded an algorithm that matched drivers and passengers that have significant route overlap.
  • Developed the iOS (Swift) and Android applications for the ride-sharing application.
  • Ran Facebook and Google Ads for user acquisition. We acquired about 40,000 users and facilitated 1,500 rides per day.
Technologies: Python, Back-end, APIs

Applications Architect

2011 - 2014
  • Responsible for all aspects of the development of the platform including requirements analysis, development, release, and maintenance.
  • Developed a subscription billing platform with Stripe that supported fixed monthly subscriptions with usage-based add-ons.
  • Created an A/B testing framework that let customers create campaigns with different styles and measured performance of one variant against the other.
  • Being the founding engineer, I built the platform from scratch and scaled to $100 million ARR and hired a team of 10 developers.
  • Built an email acquisition product for eCommerce companies that improved their emails acquisition conversion rates by 7%.
Technologies: Backbone.js, Redis, MongoDB, Python, Back-end, APIs

Software Engineer

2010 - 2011
Drishti Soft
  • Developed a platform that inspected customers' site deployments for auto-provisioning servers and do remote version upgrades.
  • Created a softphone and integrated it with the main product.
  • Integrated Nuance, a speech recognition system to our IVR creation system.
Technologies: Python, Java

Mixpanel Select
This is a library which can be used to select segmented data using the Mixpanel API. In my experience, oftentimes I need to extract data using the Mixpanel API on different where conditions and aggregate them. This results in boilerplate code which I have to write every time.

This library is an attempt to provide an easy way to segment data on various where conditions and aggregate them using a simple configuration map. By aggregating data, I mean that I can define a metric consisting of various events and where conditions.
2006 - 2010

Bachelor of Technology Degree in Computer Science and Engineering

National Institute of Technology - Rourkela, India


Vue, Node.js, NumPy, Pandas, SciPy,, Backbone.js


Postman, Git, GoLand


Flask, Django


Python, Python 3, Go, JavaScript, CSS, Java


Agile Software Development, Scrum, Automated Testing


Linux, iOS, MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Apache Kafka


MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)


Agile Sprints, Web Development, Back-end, APIs, Data Analysis

Collaboration That Works

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