Md. Mehedi Hasan,达卡开发人员,孟加拉国达卡分部
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Md. Mehedi Hasan

Verified Expert  in Engineering


April 1, 2020

Mehedi is a WordPress and WooCommerce expert with over nine years of experience. 他使用WordPress和WooCommerce为1500多个网站工作过. Mehedi is an official plugin developer of WordPress with several plugins published on the repository. 他曾在Elegant Themes担任WordPress工程师, 负责Divi, Divi Marketplace, and bug fixing.


Shop Tutors, Inc.
Gutenberg Editor, WordPress Themes, WordPress, React, JavaScript, Ajax, Git...
WordPress, Stripe, WooCommerce, WooCommerce订阅2, Online Payments
WordPress, WooCommerce, WooCommerce API, WooCommerce订阅2...





Git, MacOS, Bug Fixes, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), GitHub, PHP, WordPress, JavaScript, React, 插件开发, Shopify

The most amazing...

...thing I've done was lead the team that developed and contributed to more than 1,500 jobs.

Work Experience


2022 - 2024
Shop Tutors, Inc.
  • 从Figma为lendedu开发了20多个动态块.com. 修复了200多个bug和改进的遗留方块. 用Cypress和剧作家编写e2e测试.
  • 管理项目使用Jira和GitHub问题. 通过Slack沟通.
  • 负责贷款度20多个新区块的推出.com, fixing all the past issues and increasing the editing and publishing efficiency by 40%.
技术:古腾堡编辑, WordPress Themes, WordPress, React, JavaScript, Ajax, Git, GitHub, PHP, Docker, ESLint, SCSS, Playwright, Cypress


2023 - 2023
  • Developed a custom payment gateway and fixed the existing bug with their site.
  • Tracked the bug using GitHub Issues and maintained communication via Slack.
  • 为开发新的支付网关做出了贡献, 之后,他们可以在不同的国家销售, 将他们的销售额提高到50%.
技术:WordPress, Stripe, WooCommerce, WooCommerce订阅2, Online Payments

WordPress / WooCommerce开发人员

2023 - 2023
  • 开发了两个附加组件 for WooCommerce Memberships and Subscriptions and helped with Salesforce integration.
  • Managed our project via GitHub and used Slack for day-to-day communication.
  • 推出了我的插件,卖出了数百份订阅.
技术:WordPress, WooCommerce, WooCommerce API, WooCommerce订阅2, 插件开发, REST APIs, Back-end, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Online Payments

PHP Developer

2023 - 2023
  • Expedited the WooCommerce site using the new WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).
  • Tracked the tasks through ClickUp and version-controlled them using Git and GitHub.
  • Contributed to the new order migration by successfully speeding up a big site with 50,000名会员和一个大型数据库.
技术:PHP, WordPress, MySQL, WooCommerce, Git, GitHub, 网站速度优化, PageSpeed, Back-end


2022 - 2023
  • 开发了两个附加组件. One for a WooCommerce subscription and another for WooCommerce membership.
  • Tracked and fixed bugs using GitHub Issues and established day-to-day communication with Slack.
  • 将这两个插件添加到生产中, and they soon got a few subscription gifting and team membership orders.
技术:WordPress, WooCommerce, Git, GitHub, WooCommerce订阅2, 复杂订阅管理, 订阅处理, Subscriptions, WordPress插件, Divi, Plugins, API Integration, Back-end, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Online Payments

WordPress / WooCommerce开发人员

2022 - 2022
  • 为团队开发了WooCommerce会员的插件.
  • 在GitHub中跟踪项目并报告问题.
  • Contributed to this big magazine company with thousands of visitors: many universities are its clients, 购买并与学生分享会员资格.
技术:WooCommerce, WordPress, WooCommerce订阅2, WordPress插件, Divi, Plugins, API Integration, Back-end, Bootstrap, Online Payments

WordPress / WooCommerce开发人员

2021 - 2022
  • Developed a custom payment gateway plugin for Helcim and WooCommerce. 这是一个基于区域的有条件支付网关.
  • Contributed to the project that was managed through ClickUp; team communication was conducted through Slack.
  • Served as a WordPress and WooCommerce developer for a company founded in 1974 with a huge audience.
技术:PHP 7, Payment APIs, REST APIs, 插件开发, WordPress, WordPress API, WooCommerce, eCommerce, 面向对象编程(OOP), 前端开发, Stripe API, Design, CSS, Stripe, APIs, Troubleshooting, Full-stack, WooCommerce订阅2, WordPress插件, Divi, Plugins, API Integration, Back-end, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Online Payments


2021 - 2021
  • Developed a custom job application where candidates can share their interests, skills, experience, preferences, and education.
  • Managed the project and used ClickUp, as well as Git to manage version control.
  • 使用Filezilla上传文件到服务器. 还使用了WP引擎来托管网站.
技术:PHP, WordPress, MySQL, Ajax, CSS3, HTML5, jQuery, JavaScript 6, GitHub, 高级自定义字段(ACF), Child Themes, Theme Development, 插件开发, Git, WordPress Themes, WordPress Design, Front-end, WooCommerce, eCommerce, 面向对象编程(OOP), Composer, Sass, 前端开发, Stripe API, Responsive, Design, CSS, Stripe, APIs, Payment APIs, Troubleshooting, Full-stack, WordPress插件, Plugins, Back-end, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Bootstrap


2020 - 2021
Elegant Themes
  • Reviewed third-party themes and plugins that are submitted in the Elegant marketplace.
  • Fixed core issues reported in GitHub and then, having fixed the issues, created a pull request.
  • 为Divi创建了一个自定义插件和子主题.
技术:红利, GitHub, Git, JavaScript, React, PHP 7, WordPress, WordPress Themes, Gutenberg Editor, 面向对象编程(OOP), Composer, NPM, Webpack, 前端开发, ECMAScript (ES6), Stripe API, Responsive, Design, CSS, APIs, Troubleshooting, Full-stack, WordPress插件, Plugins, API Integration, Back-end, 响应式网页设计(RWD)


2020 - 2020
  • Developed a game module for kids where the children can learn the alphabet via a fun activity. 有很多特性. Free users can access and play free games with advertisements throughout the game.
  • Developed functionality with themes for children, using Filezilla to push the code to the server.
  • Attracted many users to this live game module, contributing to rising active subscriptions.
技术:JavaScript 6, Ajax, jQuery, Child Themes, 自定义帖子类型, FileZilla FTP Server, PHP, WordPress, WooCommerce, WooCommerce订阅2, PayPal, Stripe, eCommerce, 面向对象编程(OOP), 前端开发, Stripe API, Responsive, Design, CSS, Gutenberg Editor, Payment APIs, Troubleshooting, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), Full-stack, WordPress插件, WordPress Themes, Plugins, Back-end, 响应式网页设计(RWD)

创始人和领导WordPress | WooCommerce开发人员

2017 - 2019
  • Led the team that developed and contributed to more than 1,500 jobs.
  • 通过FTP和cPanel跟踪和修复bug.
  • 利用WordPress管理仪表板来跟踪和解决错误.
技术:JavaScript, WooCommerce, WordPress, PHP, 高级自定义字段(ACF), WooCommerce API, WooCommerce订阅2, Git, MySQL, GoDaddy, WP Engine, HTML5, CSS3, LearnDash, Avada, WordPress Design, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), Full-stack, WordPress插件, WordPress Themes, Plugins, API Integration


2017 - 2019
  • Developed an online learning management system where students could easily enroll in the course; it was the best online animal chiropractor school.
  • Fixed bugs that were listed in the log file of the WordPress/WooCommerce website.
  • 完成课程后获得结业证书.
Ajax技术:, jQuery, JavaScript, PHP, WooCommerce, WordPress, eCommerce, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), Full-stack, WordPress插件, WordPress Themes, 学习管理系统(LMS), Plugins, API Integration, Back-end, 响应式网页设计(RWD)

作为古腾堡工程师加入, 主导20多个创新街区的开发, 并解决了lenddu的200多个 This overhaul resulted in a complete site revamp, driving an impressive 37% growth for the company.
Developed a custom payment gateway and tailored WooCommerce add-ons and empowered comment.Org可以无缝地接受双重货币的支付, 提高其全球受众的可访问性. Moreover, enabling bulk importation of thousands of users for membership streamlined their operations, 催化了20%的惊人增长. This multifaceted solution not only optimized their user experience but also significantly bolstered their organizational efficiency, 定位的评论.在他们的努力中取得持续的成功.
Before my enhancements, Doubles Design's website was poorly designed and lacked responsiveness. Following my work, 他们的转化率显著提高了30%, 使他们能够更好地吸引观众.

商店增长- WooCommerce销售助推器插件
StoreGrowth插件是WooCommerce的一体化包, 提供8个以上模块,提升销售渠道. It addresses the difficulty of installing multiple plugins by reducing the burden and improving website performance. 兼容各种WordPress主题, 它允许完全控制设计和定制, 包括实时预览的变化. This plugin is designed to attract and encourage visitors to purchase, 增加销售,对你的业务产生积极的影响.

Spearheaded the development and management of a comprehensive WordPress and WooCommerce-based website, 作为全栈开发人员. 我的职责包括监督所有方面, from resolving design issues to optimizing server performance and ensuring robust website security. 通过重新设计计划, I successfully enhanced the site's conversion rate to an impressive 50%, leveraging my expertise in user experience and conversion optimization strategies.
2012 - 2016


Bangladesh University of Business and Technology - Dhaka, Bangladesh

2007 - 2011




WordPress API, WooCommerce API, jQuery, WordPress REST API, React, Stripe API, Stripe, Facebook API, SendGrid API, REST APIs, Playwright


PageSpeed, 高级自定义字段(ACF), Composer, NPM, Git, LearnPress, LearnDash, GitHub, Mailchimp, Gutenberg Editor, Webpack, Sublime Text, Google Analytics, CodePen, Figma


Divi, Bootstrap, Laravel 5, Bedrock, Cypress


HTML, CSS, PHP, PHP 7, CSS3, Sass, JavaScript, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML5, JavaScript 6, SCSS


面向对象编程(OOP), Responsive, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 搜索引擎优化(SEO)


WordPress, WooCommerce, cPanel, Bluehost, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, Docker


WP引擎,MySQL, FileZilla FTP Server


Migration, WooCommerce订阅2, Ajax, WordPress插件, Elementor, Astra, Avada, WordPress Themes, Responsive Design, Bug Fixes, GoDaddy, Plugins, Malware Removal, 网站速度优化, Website Migration, WordPress Design, eCommerce, APIs, Troubleshooting, Full-stack, API Integration, Back-end, Online Payments, Zoho, DreamHost, PayPal, Payment APIs, Front-end, 前端开发, Design, 学习管理系统(LMS), Wamp, Themes, 页面速度优化, Child Themes, Theme Development, 插件开发, Computer Science, 自定义帖子类型, 复杂订阅管理, 订阅处理, Subscriptions, CI/CD Pipelines, ESLint, Responsive UI, 古腾堡街区开发



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