Guilherme Stiebler, Developer in Vancouver, BC, Canada
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Guilherme Stiebler

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Vancouver, BC, Canada
Toptal Member Since
December 12, 2016

Guilherme是来自AWS的经验丰富的软件工程师,专门从事可扩展技术解决方案和后端开发. 他在优化复杂系统方面有良好的记录,是人工智能方面的专家, Java, TypeScript, and Python. Guilherme热衷于通过创新、高效的技术解决方案推动项目成功.


Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Java, TypeScript, Ruby, Python, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS IAM,分布式软件...
PayerSciences LLC
Node.js、JavaScript、React、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、GraphQL、Docker Compose...
Performitiv, LLC
Docker, Elasticsearch, ECMAScript (ES6), JavaScript, MongoDB, Node.js, Vuex, Vue




Preferred Environment

MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Software Development Engineer

2021 - 2023
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • 为尚未推出的基于人工智能的新AWS服务开发新功能.
  • 为AWS Honeycode将内存数据库转换为自定义MVCC数据库做出了贡献.
  • 领导设计和实现对基于图形的数据库视图的实时更新的优化, leading to 40x fewer queries.
Technologies: Java, TypeScript, Ruby, Python, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS IAM,分布式软件, Artificial Intelligence (AI), GraphQL

Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2021
PayerSciences LLC
  • Handled the development of the account management planner (AMP).
  • Implemented end-to-end features, including the infrastructure, back end, front end, and automated tests.
  • Improved productivity by simplifying the React code.
Technologies: Node.js、JavaScript、React、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、GraphQL、Docker Compose, Docker, Azure DevOps, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Kubernetes, Azure, Git, Microservices, Agile Software Development, API Architecture, Web Architecture, CSS, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), PostgreSQL

Software Developer

2017 - 2020
Performitiv, LLC
  • 使用Elasticsearch实现全局搜索,改善用户体验.
  • 促进软件开发的最佳实践和ES6特性的采用.
  • 优化了MongoDB查询——最好的结果之一是报告的生成时间从25秒下降到5秒.
  • Rewrote parts of the system from AngularJS to Vue/Vuex.
技术:Docker, Elasticsearch, ECMAScript (ES6), JavaScript, MongoDB, Node.js, Vuex, Vue

Software Developer

2017 - 2017
Delmic (via Toptal)
  • 在PyLibtiff上实现了从TIFF文件读取平铺图像和子图像.
  • Implemented on-demand loading of large TIFF files on Odemis, a software for visualizing microscope images.
  • 为Odemis实现了一个插件,使用OpenCV匹配算法对齐来自不同来源的显微镜图像.
  • Implemented automated tests for all developed features.
Technologies: Linux, OpenCV, C, NumPy, Python

Software Developer

2009 - 2016
  • 主导了有限元物理模拟器的体系结构设计.
  • Contributed to a 3D seismic visualizer using OpenGL and C++.
  • 领导实施自动测试、工具选择和工艺确定的小组.
  • Developed on-demand loading of large seismic files. 加载大文件后软件启动时间从几分钟变为几秒.
  • 领导采用面向对象的方法开发系统中的通用GUI元素.
  • 开发了一种复杂度为O(n log n + m log m)的隔水管干扰检测算法。. The previous algorithm had O(n2 + m2) complexity.
  • 分析了一个缺乏文档和设计的25年前的FORTRAN代码,并将其转换为结构良好的代码, object-oriented C++ code.
技术:Linux, CMake, Git, Boost, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Qt, OpenGL, c++

Founder and Software Developer

2007 - 2008
Quasar Group
  • Created and developed the Cableway software. It reads CAD files, processes them, and shows several reports.
  • Implemented an OpenGL 2D viewer for CAD files.
  • 为索道软件设计了基于Djikstra算法的电缆路由编码.
  • Developed the integration with a CAD reading library.
  • 管理基于Ruby on Rails和Adobe Flex的ERP开发.
技术:MySQL, Adobe Flex, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, OpenGL, c++

Co-founder and R&D Manager

2006 - 2006
  • 改进了Kapta软件中用于车牌自动识别的计算机视觉算法.
  • 管理一个开发团队,用于实现计算机视觉算法和使用该算法的桌面应用程序.
  • 研究多线程代码,管理计算机视觉过程的不同阶段.
  • Worked on the object-oriented redesign of the Kapta software.
  • 参与筹款活动以支持公司的发展.
Technologies: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, C++

Software Developer

2002 - 2005
LABIC UFRJ - Computational Intelligence Lab
  • Developed the plate location algorithm for Kapta, 一种利用计算机视觉自动识别车牌的软件. The newly created algorithm had a accuracy of 94%. The previously used algorithm had a accuracy of 76%.
  • 开发了一种用于字符分割的分水岭算法的变体.
  • 开发了一个自定义内存管理器,该管理器使用系统内存分配模式来避免调用OS内存分配和回收.
  • 发表论文《欧博体育app下载》,发表于2004年中国机械工程学报. This paper was awarded as the best paper of the event.
  • 对神经网络输入的字符进行特征提取.
Technologies: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, C++

Software Developer

1999 - 2001
Segredo Constructions, LLC
  • Developed an ERP for a small-sized construction company.
Technologies: InterBase, Delphi

Pura Cozinha
A marketplace to connect customers with people cooking from home.

Insider Oil


用于船舶和石油平台电气项目的桌面软件. 它读取和处理AutoCAD和Microstation文件,并生成几种报表.

Tio Patinhas
A mobile application for blind people to recognize paper money. It takes a picture of a bill and reads its value out loud. There were two versions: a Windows Mobile 6.0 version, and a J2ME version.


一个小的Python程序来优化在电缆托盘中使用电缆的配置. 它使用遗传算法来解决潜在的背包问题.

Image Compression Algorithm Implementation

一个用c++实现的图像压缩算法,用于miltonsimas Torres在Instituto Militar de Engenharia - IME的硕士学位顶点项目.

Vision Workbench
A Qt application interface to experiment with OpenCV algorithms
2001 - 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Node.js, React, Standard Template Library (STL), OpenCV, Google Maps, Google Chart API, NumPy, MobX, OpenGL, Vue, Vuex


Microsoft Visual Studio, Git, Visual Studio, CMake, Webpack, MATLAB, Docker Compose, AWS IAM


Express.js、React Native、Boost、Ruby on Rails (RoR)、Adobe Flex、Material UI、Redux、AngularJS、Qt、Flutter


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Agile Software Development, Scrum, Functional Programming, Continuous Delivery (CD), Azure DevOps, Continuous Integration (CI), Microservices, API Architecture, Web Architecture


C, ECMAScript (ES6), TypeScript, JavaScript, C++, SQL, Python, Java, Kotlin, HTML, Ruby, C#, GraphQL, Delphi, Flash ActionScript, Assembly, Pascal, CSS, Dart


Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Linux, Docker, MacOS, Eclipse, AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Firebase, Kubernetes, Azure


MongoDB, MySQL, InterBase, Elasticsearch, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), PostgreSQL, Amazon DynamoDB, Cloud Firestore


Algorithms, Multithreading, Data Structures, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Mathematical Modeling, Serverless, SDKs, Software, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Distributed Software, Artificial Intelligence (AI), OpenAI GPT-4 API

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