Emilio Almansi, Developer in Berlin, Germany
Emilio is available for hire
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Emilio Almansi

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Berlin, Germany
Toptal Member Since
December 20, 2017

Emilio是一位技术领导者,拥有强大的教育背景和丰富的金融科技行业经验. He's proficient in leading teams in implementing innovative financial solutions. He's skilled in technologies such as TypeScript, Python, and Java. He effectively collaborates among cross-functional teams, delivering projects from core banking integrations to blockchain solutions. Emilio喜欢为开源软件做贡献,精通微服务和分布式系统.


Have Technology GmbH
JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, NestJS, PostgreSQL, GraphQL, RPC...
JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Python, MongoDB...
Yours Inc.
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Next.js, React...




Preferred Environment

Agile Software Development

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Lead Developer

2021 - 2023
Have Technology GmbH
  • 带领4人的开发团队集成第三方核心银行系统, a payment gateway for the SEPA network, and a virtual debit card issuance platform.
  • 为内部移动应用设计并实现了内部微服务和GraphQL网关, with a focus on high availability, throughput, and fault tolerance.
  • Collaborated with developers, product owners, and business stakeholders in the delivery of features, including accounts, subaccounts, internal transfers, SEPA transfers, and card functionality within the Banking and Payments Squad.
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, NestJS, PostgreSQL, GraphQL, RPC, Microservices Architecture, API Design, API Development, Kubernetes, Express.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Technical Leadership

Tech Lead

2019 - 2021
  • 带领六名工程师团队扩展和维护比特币和以太坊的非托管钱包, in addition to integrating a core banking system, facilitating SEPA payments, and processing debit card payments.
  • Carried out a comprehensive restructuring of our release process, implementing a release train approach across our back end, web application, and React Native app. This led to a significant increase in the frequency and quality of our releases.
  • Delivered three key projects in the span of a year, 解锁以太坊钱包的发布,并确保遵守监管时间表.
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js、GraphQL、PostgreSQL、Python、MongoDB、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、AWS Lambda、HTML、CSS、Express.js, React, Technical Leadership

Senior Software Engineer

2018 - 2018
Yours Inc.
  • Co-led the design and implementation of Money Button, 一个用户友好的加密货币钱包和数字货币支付系统,利用区块链技术简化电子商务网站和内容应用程序的开发.
  • Developed and maintained Yours.Org是一个内容平台,用户可以通过创建和发现好的内容来赚钱. Built several key features like content search and a notifications system.
  • Implemented Money Button as a microservice-based architecture, including a web application, a REST API, and a blockchain monitor, among other services.
  • 参与招聘过程,寻找有才能的候选人并进行面试, often involving live coding exercises.
  • Organized a multi-project repository scheme based on Lerna, 允许几个开源和闭源项目在开发过程中毫不费力地交互.
  • 实现了基于OAuth 2的货币按钮授权认证系统.0 Authorization Framework.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Next.js, React, Express.js, Node.js, PostgreSQL, JavaScript

Software Developer (Consultant)

2018 - 2018
  • Developed an automatic documentation generation tool for Solidity, the programming language for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum platform.
  • 为OpenZeppelin创建了API文档网站,OpenZeppelin是Zeppelin构建安全智能合约的开源框架.
  • Contributed to the Solidity compiler open-source project on GitHub.
Technologies: React, JavaScript, Node.js, Ethereum, Solidity

Associate Software Engineer

2016 - 2017
Trifacta Inc.
  • 编写并优化了在GCP的Dataflow引擎上计算数据转换原语的算法,用于并行数据处理.
  • Developed a time scheduling microservice based on Java Quartz, designed for high availability and resilience.
  • Integrated Google's BigQuery large-scale data warehouse into the product, spanning multiple back-end services (Node.js, Java, Python)和平台的web应用程序接口(前端和后端).
Technologies: Docker, C++, Python, Java, Node.js, JavaScript, Express.js, PostgreSQL

Research Intern

2015 - 2016
Max Planck Institute for Informatics
  • 构建了一个Java工具,用于将Wikipedia的完整编辑历史XML转储(超过10TB未压缩)导出为Avro格式.
  • 提取了维基百科编辑历史中超过3700万页的完整链接结构和超过6.4亿次修订.
  • 为Apache Spark SQL引擎编写数据处理管道,用于计算页面之间的jaccard类型语义相关性得分和各种页面流行度指标.
Technologies: Java, JavaScript

Software Engineering Intern

2015 - 2015
  • 编写了一个FlumeJava分布式处理管道,用于从杂乱或不完整的图书元数据中检测图书系列.
  • 为开发的管道设置自动部署,使用博格进行日常提取.
  • 执行主要图书合作伙伴提供的数据提取,生成超过1,500个图书系列.
Technologies: Java, JavaScript

Freelance Software Engineer

2013 - 2014
Data Extraction Freelance Projects
  • 为连续的、高性能的web数据提取工作创建了一个独立的工具. 用PHP和多个cURL请求编写,用于利用多个异步请求, the tool harvested millions of entries per day, producing a MySQL database as output.
  • Developed multiple customized web crawlers using Python's Scrapy framework. Later deployed to the cloud for autonomous periodic execution.
  • Delivered extraction jobs across different industries for several clients.
Technologies: Python, MySQL, PHP

Web Developer

2012 - 2012
Artfos SA
  • 使用标准化的开发过程开发和维护CRUD应用程序.
  • Built the back end using PHP, Yii, and MySQL. Contributed to the front-end development using JavaScript, HTML, and LESS.
  • Launched a PHP continuous integration server based on Jenkins CI.
  • Wrote automated end-to-end tests with Selenium IDE.
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, MySQL, PHP

BchAddr.js: Bitcoin Cash General Purpose Address Translation for Node.js and Web Browsers

一个即插即用的JavaScript库,用于所有比特币现金地址格式翻译需求. It is easy to use, thoroughly tested, and feature-complete. It had approximately 4,000 weekly downloads on the npm registry (npmjs.com/package/bchaddrjs).

CashAddr.js: The New Bitcoin Cash Address Format for Node.js and Web Browsers

新的比特币现金地址格式规范的同构JavaScript实现.js and web browsers. It had approximately 5,000 weekly downloads on the npm registry (npmjs.com/package/cashaddrjs).

solidity-docgen: Solidity Documentation Generator

一个用于solid的简单文档生成器——用于在以太坊平台上编写智能合约的编程语言——目前用于OpenZeppelin. 它构建了一个完全可定制的docusaurus支持的网站,其中包含您的API和您可以选择添加的任何其他信息文档.

Google Cloud Dataprep

Google Cloud Dataprep, born from a collaboration between Trifacta and Google, is an intelligent data service for visually exploring, cleaning, and preparing structured and unstructured data for analysis.

At Trifacta, 我作为团队的一员,参与了将Trifacta的数据准备产品重新架构为适合集成到Google云平台的基于微服务的架构.

我对这个项目的贡献包括在Dataflow上实现和优化作为数据并行原语的数据转换操作, Google Cloud's distributed computing engine. I was also responsible for the integration of BigQuery—Google's serverless, highly scalable, low-cost enterprise data warehouse—as a data source on Dataprep.

Algorithmic Problem-solving Competitions

我曾三次参加ACM国际大学生编程大赛, 一年一度的世界大学间多层次的编程竞赛.

For this competition, 考生必须训练自己掌握先进的数据结构和算法,以及在压力和紧迫的时间限制下编写无bug程序的技能. 附带的代码示例是我为Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ)中的一个竞争性编程问题编写的解决方案。.

注意:该代码针对执行速度和最小化编码时间进行了优化,以满足此类竞赛的要求, not legibility.
2012 - 2019

Licentiate in Computer Science

University of Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires, Argentina

2012 - 2017

Analyst Degree in Computer Science

University of Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires, Argentina


Java SE 7 Programmer I



Node.js, API Development, REST APIs, React


Git, GitHub, Amazon Cognito


Express.js, NestJS, Next.js, Redux


JavaScript, TypeScript, GraphQL, SQL, HTML, Python, c++, Java, CSS, Solidity, PHP, Java 7


Agile Software Development, Scrum, Microservices Architecture


JSON, PostgreSQL, Database Architecture, MySQL, MongoDB, Google Cloud


亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Docker, AWS Lambda, Kubernetes,区块链,以太坊,比特币现金


API Design, APIs, Software Architecture, Back-end, Technical Leadership, Data Structures, Algorithms, Full-stack, CI/CD Pipelines, Front-end, GitHub Actions, Cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrency Wallets, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Web Scraping, RPC, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Open Source, Bitcoin

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