‘ Aossey, CSM, PMP, 项目经理 in 奥斯汀,德克萨斯州,美国
is 可用 租用

‘ Aossey, CSM, PMP

验证专家  in 项目管理



‘是经过认证的敏捷/精益Scrum Master (CSM)和PMP,拥有超过20年的定义经验, 规划, and executing transformational software, 电子商务, 网络安全, and process projects for businesses of all sizes across a variety of industries. He's passionate about coaching and serving winning teams, solving critical business problems, and delighting customers by delivering what they need with exceptional quality, 按时完成预算.


pricemine.ai Online Search and Pricing 敏捷 Project
Led definition and delivery of the pricemine.ai artificial intelligence online multi-mode search and pricing application.
MPowerLabs Online 移动 Payments 敏捷 Project
Led definition and delivery of the MPowerLabs Online 移动 Payments agile project.
End-to-end Product Cost Management 敏捷 Project at GM



Sr. 项目/产品经理

  • 为一个敏捷项目提供产品管理专业知识,以交付基于人工智能的在线多模式搜索和定价应用程序.
  • 领导的项目, 资源 and 金融 规划 and execution for analysis, 发展, 测试, and deployment teams on agile and waterfall projects. Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表 and retrospectives on agile projects.
  • Led 风险, 问题, communication, release, change, and vendor management.

Sr. 项目/产品经理

2015 - 2018
通用汽车(General Motors)
  • Developed IT strategy on software 发展, business process re-engineering, 第三方软件包, and 网络安全 projects for GM enterprise security, 供应链, 采购, 金融, 数据仓库, 制造部门.
  • 领导的项目, 资源 and 金融 规划 and execution for analysis, 发展, 测试, and deployment teams on agile and waterfall projects. Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表 and retrospectives on agile projects.
  • Oversaw product management on agile and waterfall projects, 包括产品路线图, 需求分析, 用户测试, 用户教育, 以及文档管理.
  • 领导的项目 金融 and 资源 management, 项目风险, 问题管理, and deployment/change management..
  • 领导项目沟通管理到交付团队、中层和执行管理层.
  • 领导的项目 vendor management, including consulting and 3rd party software vendors.
  • Coached organization and project teams from waterfall to 敏捷 project delivery.

Sr. 项目/产品经理

2014 - 2015
  • Led IT strategy on software 发展, business process re-engineering, 第三方软件包, and 网络安全 projects for Visa corporate, 金融, 人力资源部门, including Workday and Oracle eSuite.
  • 领导的项目, 资源 and 金融 规划 and execution for analysis, 发展, 测试, and deployment teams on agile and waterfall projects. Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表 and retrospectives on agile projects. Used Jira on agile projects and Clarity on waterfall projects.
  • Led product management on agile and waterfall projects, 包括产品路线图, 需求分析, 用户测试, 用户教育, 以及文档管理.
  • Led 项目风险, 问题s and deployment/change management activities.
  • 领导项目沟通管理到交付团队、中层和执行管理层.
  • 领导的项目 vendor management, including consulting and 3rd party software vendors.
  • Coached organization and project teams from waterfall to 敏捷 project delivery.

Sr. 项目/产品经理

2009 - 2014
  • Led IT strategy on software 发展, business process re-engineering, 第三方软件包, and 网络安全 projects for Dell 制造业, 实现, 供应链, 服务, 企业安全. This was primarily a remote position.
  • 领导的项目, 资源 and 金融 规划 and execution for analysis, 发展, 测试, and deployment teams on agile and waterfall projects. Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表 and retrospectives on agile projects.
  • Led product management on agile and waterfall projects, 包括产品路线图, 需求, 用户测试, 用户教育, 和文档.
  • 领导项目沟通管理到交付团队、中层和执行管理层.
  • 领导的项目 vendor management, including consulting and 3rd party software vendors.
  • Coached organization and project teams from waterfall to 敏捷 project delivery.

Sr. 项目/产品经理

2008 - 2009
  • Led IT strategy on software 发展, 为这家提供电子商务和移动支付服务的金融服务初创公司提供业务流程重组和第三方软件包项目.
  • .领导的项目, 资源 and 金融 规划 and execution for analysis, 发展, 测试, and deployment teams on agile and waterfall projects. Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表 and retrospectives on agile projects.
  • Led product management on agile and waterfall projects, 包括产品路线图, 需求, 用户测试. 用户教育, 以及文档管理.
  • Led 项目风险 and 问题管理, and deployment/change management.
  • 领导项目沟通管理到交付团队、中层和执行管理层.
  • 领导的项目 vendor management, including consulting and 3rd party software vendors.
  • Coached organization and project teams from waterfall to 敏捷 project delivery.
  • Built first PMO organization and processes.

Sr. 项目/产品经理

2004 - 2008
  • Led IT strategy on software 发展, 数据中心, and 第三方软件包 projects for Dell 金融 服务, 制造业, 供应链部门.
  • 领导的项目, 资源 and 金融 规划 and execution for analysis, 发展, 测试, and deployment teams on agile and waterfall projects. Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表 and retrospectives on agile projects.
  • Led product management on agile and waterfall projects, 包括产品路线图, 需求, 用户测试, 用户教育, 以及文档管理.
  • Led 项目风险 and 问题管理, and deployment/change management.
  • 领导项目沟通管理到交付团队、中层和执行管理层.
  • 领导的项目 vendor management, including consulting and 3rd party software vendors.
  • Coached organization and project teams from waterfall to 敏捷 project delivery.
  • Helped lead organization from Level 0 to Level 2 CMM 设计ation.

Sr. 项目/产品经理

1998 - 2004
Sr. IT顾问
  • Led IT strategy on software 发展, business process re-engineering and 第三方软件包 projects to Insurance, 德克萨斯州政府, 和公用事业垂直.
  • 领导的项目, 资源 and 金融 规划 and execution for analysis, 发展, 测试, and deployment teams on agile and waterfall projects. Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表 and retrospectives on agile projects.
  • Led product management on agile and waterfall projects, 包括产品路线图, 需求分析, 用户测试, 用户教育 以及文档管理.
  • Led 项目风险 and 问题管理, and deployment/change management.
  • 领导项目沟通管理到交付团队、中层和执行管理层.

pricemine.ai Online Search and Pricing 敏捷 Project

Led definition and delivery of the pricemine.ai artificial intelligence online multi-mode search and pricing application.

Pricemine.人工智能提供了一种先进的能力,可以通过机器学习和自然语言定价能力在线搜索和定价高价值的二手物品. 我负责设想, 需求分析, 设计, AI 发展 and training vendor sourcing and RFP, 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表, 测试, 部署管理, 风险, 问题, 资源, 金融, reporting and 通信 management for this in-progress agile project.

Texas Ed Agency Filenet 敏捷 Project


Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表, 测试, 部署管理, 风险, 问题, 资源, 金融, 用于Texas 教育 Agencies (TEA)敏捷项目的报告和通信管理,以定制和部署Filenet文档管理系统.

ERCOT Commercial Rearchitecture Project


Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表, 测试, 部署管理, 风险, 问题, 资源, 金融, 为德克萨斯州电力可靠性委员会(ERCOT)商业重构定制软件和过程再工程项目提供报告和通信管理.

MPowerLabs Online 移动 Payments 敏捷 Project


Led definition and delivery of the MPowerLabs Online 移动 Payments agile project.

Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表, 测试, 部署管理, 风险, 问题, 资源, 金融, 为MPowerLabs敏捷项目提供报告和通信管理,以交付移动支付平台产品.

Custom 项目管理 Training Program for Non-profits

与Mission Capital合作,为非营利组织开发并培训了定制的项目管理培训课程.

领导定制项目管理程序开发,包括内容创建和培训材料开发, 并与使命资本合作为非营利组织和基金会提供培训.

E3 Alliance/RaiseUP Texas Custom Website


领导E3 Alliance/RaiseUP Texas教育项目定制网站的开发和部署.

引导网站流程, 线框图和内容创建, RFP和咨询业务, 发展, 测试, and release management for the RaiseUP Texas custom website. Completed on an accelerated schedule and 预算.

Led CMM Level 0 to Level 2 at Dell Financial Services

Helped Dell Financial Services IT organization (DFS IT) achieve CMM Level 2 rating.

领导计划, 为DFS IT进行培训和测试活动,以达到能力成熟度模型2级评级.

End-to-end Product Cost Management 敏捷 Project at GM


投资3.7亿美元的ROI汽车开发端到端产品成本管理项目横跨通用汽车的安全, 全球产品, 采购, 金融, 垂直数据仓库, portfolio governance and release management of 64 cross-functional software projects delivered by a 500+ member GM and vendor team; program 规划, 通信, 预算, 风险和问题管理. Close interaction with executive leaders. 我被招募到通用汽车公司,以扭转这个备受关注的困境项目——我的团队在六个月内成功地完成了这个项目.

Online Asset Tracking 敏捷 Project for IronRhino


Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表, 测试, 部署管理, 风险, 问题, 资源, 金融, 为IronRhino (Dana Corp的分部)的敏捷定制软件开发项目提供报告和沟通管理.

24902 Miles Website and 电子商务 Project

领导24902 MIles网站和电子商务敏捷项目的产品和项目管理.

引导所有故事定义, 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表, 测试, 部署管理, 风险, 问题, 资源, 金融, 24902 MIles网站和电子商务敏捷项目的报告和通信管理.

Dell Offer and Incentives 敏捷 Project


Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表, 测试, 部署管理, 风险, 问题, 资源, 金融, 戴尔消费者销售报价和激励敏捷项目的报告和通信管理.

Oracle Asset-backed Securities 敏捷 Project for Dell Financial


Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表, 测试, 部署管理, 风险, 问题, 资源, 金融, 戴尔金融服务资产支持证券系统敏捷项目的报告和通信管理.

Workday HCM 敏捷 Project at Visa


Led all 发布和冲刺计划, 每日例会, 待办事项列表, 测试, 部署管理, 风险, 问题, 资源, 金融, 敏捷Visa Workday人力资本管理(HCM)敏捷项目的报告和沟通管理, 使用Jira.

GM Manufacturing Next Gen Security Project

Led delivery for this global cyber-security project for GM 制造业, including agile project and product mgt duties.

将通用汽车的128家工厂升级为下一代网络安全零信任网络, ICS IAM和访问控制, 漏洞修复, 资产管理, IT and business process re-engineering. This global program reported to GM’s board of directors. Responsibilities included project roadmap 规划, 需求分析, 车间便利化, project task and 资源 规划, 财务管理, 风险, 问题, 以及这个全球项目中多个敏捷和瀑布式项目的沟通管理.

Dell Enterprise Cybersecurity Readiness Audit

Led audit of Dell Enterprise Cybersecurity readiness against NIST 800-53 criteria.

领导戴尔首席信息安全官办公室的戴尔企业网络安全准备审计的产品和项目管理, including evaluation of readiness against NIST 800-53 Controls, 执行报告, 差距分析, and project recommendations follow up.

Dell ERP/MES Deployment to Global Factories


交付价值1.5亿美元的ROI战略转型计划,重新设计流程,并用基于Microsoft dynamics的ERP/MES平台取代戴尔全球制造和履行设施中的遗留系统. Managed a matrixed 规划 and delivery team of over 400 partners across 28 discreet work-streams on an accelerated schedule; project portfolio governance; scope, 解决方案, 风险, 资源分配, 路线图和预算管理. Close interaction with senior executive stakeholders. (白金奖得主)
2016 - 2018

Certificate in Enterpreneur, Leadership

Acton School of Entrepreneurship - Austin, TX

1987 - 1991

Bachelor's Degree in Operations Management

University of Iowa - Iowa City, IA


认证Scrum Master



项目管理 Professional (PMP)

项目管理 Institute (PMI)


Jira, Oracle ERP, Microsoft Dynamics AX


软件,汽车,零售 & 批发


Scrum, 敏捷项目管理, 敏捷产品管理, 敏捷, 看板, 敏捷 UX


Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO), Scrum Master, 敏捷转型, 敏捷冲刺, IT项目, 项目生命周期, IT咨询, 软件咨询, IT策略, 资源管理, 风险分析, 风险管理, 路线图, Project 项目组合管理 (PPM), 项目组合管理, 项目管理办公室(PMO), 项目交付, 项目计划, 认证ScrumMaster (CSM), 项目管理, 敏捷软件测试, 电子商务, 网站, 移动, 商业策略, 人工智能(AI), CRM系统, 金融体系









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