布雷特寂寞芳心, 市场营销专家 in 圣莫尼卡,加州,美国
布雷特 is 可用 租用
雇佣 布雷特


验证专家  in 市场营销



布雷特 is an accomplished and strategic digital marketing leader with a proven track record of helping companies scale from startup to acquisition. 转型数字渠道的早期采用者, 产品, 以及消费者行为的转变, he is focused on building high-performing teams and implementing full-funnel systems to unlock budgets and achieve sustainable growth. 布雷特 is a digital media expert who has managed millions and billions of dollars in measurable re聚会地点.


Managed all paid media execution in house and via agency partners across channels, 包括脸谱网, 谷歌购物, 乐天, 必应, TikTok, 电子邮件, 短信, 和Pinterest. Achieved a ROAS of +160% and gained +20% in gross re聚会地点 quarter over quarter.
Media Activation for a Home Decor Brand and Building a Women's Fashion Brand
Headed paid media activation for a home decor brand and doubled spending at a 7X ROAS. Built a women's fashion brand to become a brand with 30,000客户 and a gross profit of $3.7 million and achieve a top 1% growth ranking on Shopify.
Led the design and development of a cross-channel B2B lead acquisition initiative for a Series A health technology startup.




  • Achieved paid media performance ROAS targets across the private equity firm's portfolio of fashion 美容品牌.
  • Managed external media partners and brand marketing managers working on multichannel best practices to drive 电子商务 demand.
  • 分析数据以确定性能趋势, 创造性的资产, 观众的见解, and product-level enhancements across each brand's catalog.
  • Audited digital performance of new acquisition targets and developed channel-level budget forecasts to sustain profitable growth.


2018 - 2023
  • Led paid media activation and measurement for a home decor brand, 以7倍的ROAS有效地将支出翻了一番, 并直接向首席执行官汇报.
  • Managed all user-generated content and influencer marketing activation across emerging paid social channels for the skincare brand.
  • 咨询Sawyer 工具, a系列儿童活动市场, on B2B and B2C paid search and social growth initiatives.
  • Managed B2B landing page creation and led the acquisition, 有创意的, 消息传递, and conversion rate for the series A health insurance platform.
  • 头部产品营销, 帐户营销, 消费者行为分析, 然后去市场买Vatom, nft的先驱, 加密, 和Web 3.零次元体验.
  • Built a direct-to-consumer women's fashion brand from scratch, 哪一个发展成30个品牌,000客户, 产生了3美元的毛利润.7 million, and achieved a top 1% growth ranking on Shopify.
  • 写了一本关于付费搜索和社交最佳实践的书, “衡量最后一次点击之后的表现,,这是脸谱网发布的.

ROAS Targets for Fashion, 电子商务, Travel, and Beauty Brands


Achieved paid media performance ROAS targets across the private equity firm's portfolio of fashion, 电子商务, 旅行, 美容品牌.

作为绩效营销总监, I oversaw paid advertising of over $10 million a month across a portfolio of more than 15 direct-to-consumer brands. 也, 我分析数据以确定性能趋势, 创造性的资产, 观众的见解, and product-level enhancements across each brand's catalog.



Managed all paid media execution in house and via agency partners across channels, 包括脸谱网, 谷歌购物, 乐天, 必应, TikTok, 电子邮件, 短信, 和Pinterest. Achieved a ROAS of +160% and gained +20% in gross re聚会地点 quarter over quarter.

场地市场是一种创新的购物体验. It is flexible and offers easy payment options for real people to get what they need and when they need it. The marketplace offers top names in electronics, fashion, home goods, and other industries.

I acted as a vice president of this marketing 电子商务 and oversaw a nine-person marketing team that worked on re聚会地点 KPIs reporting to the CEO and private equity leadership.

Media Activation for a Home Decor Brand and Building a Women's Fashion Brand

Headed paid media activation for a home decor brand and doubled spending at a 7X ROAS. Built a women's fashion brand to become a brand with 30,000客户 and a gross profit of $3.7 million and achieve a top 1% growth ranking on Shopify.

As a digital marketing executive, I managed paid media for various B2B and B2C projects. 对于这些项目, 我负责监督付费媒体的预算分配, 有创意的, 登陆页面, 产品营销, 供应链, 库存预测, 铅一代, ROAS/CAC性能优化, 和报告.


Led the design and development of a cross-channel B2B lead acquisition initiative for a Series A health technology startup.

Anagram is a Series A technology startup that provides a platform for optometrists to offer insurance to their eye care customers who have engaged me to provide digital marketing services. I developed a comprehensive strategy that included search engine optimization (SEO), 搜索引擎营销(SEM), 社交媒体广告, 电子邮件营销.

开始, I thoroughly analyzed Anagram's target audience and industry competition to identify the most effective keywords to optimize their website for SEO. I then developed a search ad campaign that targeted these keywords, as well as display ads that ran on optometry and vision care websites.

另外, 布雷特 created a 社交媒体广告 campaign that targeted optometrists and their customers. He crafted compelling ad copy and developed eye-catching visuals to promote the benefits of Anagram's platform.

进一步吸引潜在客户, I also created an 电子邮件 marketing campaign that included personalized content and promotions. I used marketing automation software to segment Anagram's 电子邮件 list based on customers' interests and behavior, 这有助于提高打开率和点击率.

La Senza DTC女性内衣品牌


Rolled out a set of highly successful campaigns that achieved 6x ROAS, 这使得抖音成为整体表现最好的频道. Video assets also ran in Meta as Advantage Plus campaigns, achieving a 4.4 x罗阿斯.

La Senza, a lingerie brand, approached me to lead their performance marketing campaigns on Tik Tok. The goal was to drive sales during their winter sale through visually stunning videos in a vertical format.

我负责整个创作过程的方方面面, 包括视频和照片拍摄以及编辑, 以垂直格式创建视觉上令人惊叹的视频. I used my expertise in performance marketing to identify the best ad formats, 目标的选择, 和竞标策略,以优化活动.




数字营销, 脸谱网的广告, 谷歌广告, TikTok广告, 转化率优化(CRO), 登陆页面, 社交媒体设计, 从属营销, 有创意的广告, 社交媒体营销(SMM), 铅一代, 社交媒体

平台 & 工具



电子商务, 目录, 金融, 创业公司, Shopify, 创意方向, 数字媒体, 谷歌购物, 书, 消费者的行为



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