

插画家s are responsible for creating images that provoke a range of thoughts and emotions. 他们使用绘图, color, 作文, and a long list of digital and analog image-making techniques to capture ideas that cannot be conveyed by photos alone.

还有用纸和笔, illustrators should be highly proficient in digital design tools and they should be comfortable working with high-end screen and stylus pairings (like the iPad and Apple Pencil).


Speed and clarity are exceedingly important in today’s digital environment, where people are bombarded with brand messaging and endless walls of copywriting. Thankfully, illustrators are the key to capturing diminished attention spans. 怎么这么?

插图 has the ability to reimagine reality in a way that is familiar yet delightfully uncommon, 当一个想法难以解释时,它尤其有用. 插画家s help businesses stand out in a world of distraction by relating complex thoughts, 概念, 情绪也很快.




{{写一段简短而醒目的关于你公司的文字. Make sure to provide information about the company’s culture, perks, and benefits. 包括办公时间, 远程工作的可能性, 以及任何你认为能让你的公司有趣的事情.}}


作为我们的插画师, 你将运用你的绘画技巧, color, 作文, and storytelling to create engaging images that enliven product descriptions, 技术数据, 为我们的客户提供关键的品牌信息.

你将与我们的设计团队紧密合作, 创意总监, and marketing experts to generate illustration 概念 for print and digital, and you’ll be responsible for bringing those 概念 to a high level of polish that elevates our brand.



你将会见客户, 与设计团队合作, and take direction from upper management in an effort to create engaging illustrations for print and digital. 你将负责生成插图概念, 执行修改, 按时完成任务.


  • 为印刷和数字设计品牌插图.
  • Enhance our brand illustration style and actively look for ways to extend our storytelling reach.
  • Gather key messaging points for each project and ensure that all illustration 概念 convey the right information.
  • 确保所有插图符合技术要求.
  • Generate ideas and 概念 that are clear, communicative, and engaging.
  • Work collaboratively with other members of our creative team to ensure a consistent, 整合品牌感知.
  • 与包括营销人员在内的跨职能团队合作, 创意总监, 和产品经理,为了创造引人注目的插图.
  • Stay on top of the latest standards, processes, and trends in the illustration field.
  • {{此处添加其他相关职责}}


  • Bachelor’s in illustration or a related field, or significant equivalent experience
  • 一个引人注目的投资组合,展示审美意识, 高水平的绘画技能, 并掌握多种插画风格
  • 熟练使用插画等插画工具, Photoshop, 生育, 和亲和性设计器
  • A keen understanding of vector graphics creation, including mastery of the “Pen” tool
  • Capable of generating hand-drawn illustration 概念 quickly and precisely
  • Able to generate thoughtful and engaging illustration 概念 that go beyond 1-to-1 representation
  • 优秀的沟通能力, including the ability to clearly explain creative decisions in words and writing
  • 接收的能力, 解释, and implement constructive feedback from project stakeholders into your illustration work
  • Able to learn new tools and processes quickly and work in a fast-evolving environment
  • {{列出您需要的教育程度或证书}}

Toptal 设计师最近的插画设计文章

聘请顶级Adobe 插画家专家现在

Toptal是顶级Adobe 插画家专家的市场. Top companies and startups choose Toptal Adobe 插画家 freelancers for their mission critical design projects.




菲利普对制作的热情驱使着他. 作为一个创意顾问, he supports purpose-driven businesses by designing experiences that enhance people's lives. 在创意创新行业工作了16年, 他综合运用了多种有效的策略, 以人为中心的设计, 以及建立品牌和将产品推向市场的牢固关系. 菲利普提供数字产品设计方面的专业知识, UI / UX, 服务设计, 视觉设计, 为软件和设计企业提供创意指导.




Daniela is a product designer with several years of experience creating products and interactive environments. 与客户紧密合作, 她创造了创新, 始终考虑用户的响应式解决方案. She also builds visually stunning solutions on a solid foundation of research and UX. Daniela loves a good challenge and learning anything that could potentially have a significant impact on people's lives.



自由Adobe 插画家专家

如果•麦乐伦是一位居住在南非开普敦的设计师. He has extensive experience working alongside international brands and publications across various disciplines in the creative field. Si primarily works in brand development, 视觉设计, interactive media, and illustration. Vibrant, geometric 作文s mark his work, and he has an eye for meticulous detail in design.


Candelaria dela Losa


坎德在制作数字广告方面有十多年的经验, 为Cartoon Network Latin网站设计游戏, and building UX for startups and tech companies in the finance and rental industries. Her work is influenced by a passion for illustration, color, and typography. She won the Award of Excellence from The Interior 设计师 Institute of British Columbia (IDIBC) for a branding project.




With over a decade of experience in product UI / UX design and brand 体验设计, Kim has had the opportunity to work with a diverse range of teams and companies from Hong Kong, 新加坡, 韩国, 阿联酋, 欧洲, 和美国. 除了, 他精通设计原则, 色彩理论, and typography and leverages these elements to create consistent and effective design solutions.


Radmila Zelic Josimov


Radmila是一位拥有10多年经验的创造性问题解决者. She focuses on developing projects from scratch and creating solutions that combine brand value, 体验设计, 讲故事可以帮助公司获得并取悦客户. Radmila's clients range from small startups and nonprofits to large-scale companies such as Zillow, 三星, 威廉姆斯, 和麦肯锡 & 公司.




Micah uses brand design and illustration to tell stories on behalf of his clients. 他认为设计必须确定一种需求, 激起改变的欲望, 照亮了一条独特而有益的道路, 充满希望的, 和人类.




Chris is a UI / UX designer with over twenty years of experience in consumer and enterprise applications. 他与谷歌合作重组和设计他们的帮助系统, 创建了Clarizen的企业移动应用程序, 并为Accesso设计了一款白色标签消费者移动应用, 目前已部署在北美各地的公园和度假村. Chris specializes in structure, user flows, wireframing, and design for both mobile and web. 他特别适合复杂的企业SaaS项目.


Varant Kandilian


Varant在品牌和产品设计方面有十多年的经验. His passion is to design meaningful products with great user experiences. Positive customer experience and natural interaction are at the core of all the projects he takes on. 瓦朗特认为这句话朗朗上口, 易于使用的, colorful design provides timeless visual practices that enable clients to connect with their own customers more effectively.


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